
OSource file [size] [color_index] OSource file cname [color_index] [angle] [justification] [csize] OSource file #row [color_index] [angle] [justification] [csize]

File is the name of a file that contains the source positions. This can either be an ASCII text file or a FITS file with the same structure as the SFind output file.

[size] is the optional size. The default is 10 detector pixels. But you can specify 10_sec to make the circles 10 arcsec in radius, or 3_sig to make circles 3 times PSF_SIG.

[cname] is the name of a column containing an ASCII string. This name will be plotted next to each source postion. The string is plotted with the specified angle (default=0), justification (default=0.0 left justified) and character size, csize (default=0.6). If cname=#row then the row number in the file is plotted.

[color_index] is a PGPLOT color index, and should be in the range 0 to 15.


The file needs to contain a list of positions and can either be in ASCII text format or FITS. For ASCII a free format of the form

[text] [w] x y [junk]

where [text] can be any leading text (not numbers!). If a the optional w character is detected then it is assumed that x and y will be in world coordinates, and x,y can be in decimal degrees (first number contains a decimal point) or H M S (no decimal point in first number). Thus the following two would both plot a source at the same location (to within round off errors).

bo s w 12 15 33, -10 12 46 100 n bo s p 183.8875, -10.2128 100 n

If the file is FITS format, then the software looks for columns labeled RA and Dec in the 2nd HDU. If it fails to find RA, DEC columns, it looks for X Y which it assumes to be in detector pixels. Warning, if accidently use a FITS events list then the software assumes that every photon listed is a source. (Actually it only plots 999 sources before quiting.)

If the FITS file contains a column that consists of ASCII characters (e.g., text) then rather than plot a circle at each source location, you can plot the actual text. Just replace the size argument with the actual column name. Thus using a SFind output file, the following would plot the string in column NAME in green at each source location.

LEXTRCT> os ind_s3p2.fits name 3

This feature is intended to help identify which source is which and not to produce publication quality figures. Since the text strings often overlap, there are two optional arguments to specify the rotation angle (degrees) and a justification (0.0=left, 1.0=right). Thus

LEXTRCT> os ind_s3p2.fits name 3 45 1.0

would rotate all the labels by 45 degrees and right justify them.

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